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Do you have these kinds of conversations in your head?

- I really want that cake. But, if I eat it, I'll feel bloated. I'll just have a small slice. Ah, that was great, I'm glad I had a bigger slice it was so good. Now my stomach hurts. Why did I do that? That was so dumb. 

-Oh no, this presentation is going to be so hard. Maybe I'll call in sick. No, I should just do it, it will look bad if I call out. I just don't want to make a mistake. What if people see that  I don't know what I'm talking about, that I've been faking it this whole time. My heart is going to pound out of my chest if I have to do this. I'm such a failure, I can't do this job, maybe I should quit.

Well, you are not alone, we all do this kind of thing. Throughout our day we have all kinds of internal conversations. Thoughts ("eating cake will make me feel bloated"), feelings (shame-"that was so dumb"), urges (calling out sick), sensations (heart pounding out of your chest) all come together inside and it is how we navigate  these that really define who we are. 

If you listen to your inner dialogue, at times you may hear an inner critic, a fun loving heavy drinker, an angry teenager or a hurt child. All of these are 'parts' of your personality, none of them is all of you, just part of you. Hearing the chatter inside at times can make us feel 'crazy' but really it is just the nature of our mind and years of memories and experiences that get churned up on a daily basis. Internal Family Systems (IFS) helps us slow the 'chatter' down and sort through it. It helps us look at one feeling or thought at a time and appreciate where they come from. It is akin to looking at one tree in a forest, instead of trying to see the forrest through the trees, we can never get that kind of distance or perspective from our minds! By using IFS we can create a deeper connection to ourselves and slow down the chatter which can sometimes feel like an inner civil war. By taking our time and using the IFS approach, we can restore calm, joy, confidence and other gifts that may feel unattainable to you right now. 

Want to learn more about IFS?

Internal Family Systems (IFS) was developed by Harvard Professor, Dr. Richard Schwartz. IFS is an evidenced based trauma treatment and can be used for a variety of presenting issues including but not limited to parenting, addictions, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, burdens of oppression and life transitions. For almost 40 years, IFS has proven to be a dynamic, healing and powerful therapy that has the power to transform lives. 

If you'd like to read more about IFS you may look up the IFS Institute at